List of theme properties
- licenseKey
value: Your license key (obsolet)
- logoString
value: The string you want to be shown in the lower left corner of popup menus.
- windowDecoration
value: on if you want decorated windows.
- macStyleWindowDecoration
value: on if you want the titlebar in mac style layout.
- macStyleScrollBar
value: on if you want mac style scrollbars.
- centerWindowTitle
value: on if you want the title of windows to be centered.
- linuxStyleScrollBar
value: on if you want the scrollbars in linux style layout.
- textAntiAliasing
value: on if you want text to be anti aliased rendered on screen (for java 1.4 and greater).
- textAntiAliasingMode
value: default - rendering with system default
value: gray - rendering with gray pixels
value: hrgb, hgbr, vrgb, vbgr - rendering with subpixel interpolation (see RenderingHints in the jdk documentation)
- backgroundPattern
value: on if you want backgroundPattern to be painted else background is filled with backgroundColor.
- menuOpaque
value: on if you want opaque (non transparent) menus.
- dynamicLayout
value: on/off simulation of the Toolkit.setDynamicLayout() method if windowDecoration is on
- toolbarDecorated
value: on/off. If value is off graphite/smart lnf do not paint the separator lines on top/bottom of the toolbar
- controlTextFont
- systemTextFont
- userTextFont
- menuTextFont
- windowTitleFont
- subTextFont
value: fontfamily style pointsize. Sample: "Arial BOLD 12"
- foregroundColor
- disabledForegroundColor
- backgroundColor
- backgroundColorLight
- backgroundColorDark
- alterBackgroundColor
- foregroundColor
- backgroundColorLight
- backgroundColorDark
- inputForegroundColor
- inputBackgroundColor
- selectionForegroundColor
- selectionBackgroundColor
- selectionBackgroundColorLight
- selectionBackgroundColorDark
- frameColor
- gridColor
- focusColor
- focusCellColor
- rolloverForegroundColor
- rolloverColor
- rolloverColorLight
- rolloverColorDark
- buttonForegroundColor
- buttonBackgroundColor
- buttonColorLight
- buttonColorDark
- controlForegroundColor
- controlBackgroundColor
- controlColorLight
- controlColorDark
- pressedForegroundColor
- pressedBackgroundColor
- pressedBackgroundColorLight
- pressedBackgroundColorDark
- windowTitleForegroundColor
- windowTitleBackgroundColor
- windowTitleColorLight
- windowTitleColorDark
- windowBorderColor
- windowIconColor
- windowIconShadowColor
- windowIconRolloverColor
- windowInactiveTitleForegroundColor
- windowTitleBackgroundColor
- windowInactiveTitleColorLight
- windowInactiveTitleColorDark
- windowInactiveBorderColor
- menuForegroundColor
- menuBackgroundColor
- menuSelectionForegroundColor
- menuSelectionBackgroundColor
- menuSelectionBackgroundColorLight
- menuSelectionBackgroundColorDark
- menuColorLight
- menuColorDark
- toolbarForegroundColor
- toolbarBackgroundColor
- toolbarColorLight
- toolbarColorDark
- tabAreaBackgroundColor
- desktopColor
- tooltipForegroundColor
- tooltipBackgroundColor
value: red green blue. Sample: "255 128 255"
- tooltipCastShadow
value: on if you want a cast shadow instead of the default shadow.
- tooltipBorderSize
- tooltipShadowSize
a value between 0 and 8
- textureSet
Name of the build in texture sets. Possible values:
Default - The leather texures
Rock - The rock textures
Textile - The textile textures
Snow - The snow texures
- darkTexture
value: on/off Flag indicating if window texture is a dark texture
- windowTexture
- backgroundTexture
- alterBackgroundTexture
- selectedTexture
- rolloverTexture
- pressedTexture
- disabledTexture
- menubarTexture
Textures used to render the background. See CustomTextureSample on how to use.